Thursday, January 26, 2012

Musings of a black woman going through the change. Every day a black woman changing.

There are things a woman thinks about when she is dying
Don't ask me how I know
She think about water mostly
How it tickle your face as it rise above your neck
She think about music
Long slow deep southern gospel

She remember the sweet Jesus her grandmother knew
Whether she can hold a tune or no she sing from bottom belly
She find her tribe with those sounds
Groaning moaning feel good don't feel good make you better healing sounds

Long and drawn out
A dying woman think about the times she stood still
She remember the moss and vines growing between her toes

In that moment she is moved to move
She is compelled to live and break free of the chains she tied around her own neck
She know better now
She know now that safe aint always so safe
Roses aint always so sweet like she thought

A young woman being still and safe might start to think a choke hold is a soft caress
And it aint
A shackle is a shackle
And a kiss is a kiss

But what do young safe living women know

This dying I'm doing is good for me
Letting be dead my yesterday and walking big footed into tomorrow

I don't know what's out there for me
I just trust God to know the world He created
I believe the clouds can hold me like they promise

There are things a woman thinks about when she know tomorrow is coming

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