Thursday, January 26, 2012

Red stories 9b

I was in tenth grade and Wendy was a senior and was one of those sweet girls who was beautiful at the same time and wore her long brown hair in a straight ponytail that swung from side to side when she walked and his name was not Tommy but I will call him that here and I don't know why I would protect his privacy and not hers and why do we do that?

I was rushing to class when Tommy grabbed the top two buttons of Wendy's shirt and she looked at me and seemed embarrassed and I was scared for her as she buttoned her shirt and I wondered why she would button her shirt that didn't look bad at all the way it was and why he felt he could grab her clothes at all and look at her that way and I didn't like Tommy after that and figured the other guys on the football team were the same way and I didn't want a guy grabbing my shirt and looking mean at me.

So Jason was kind (and that's not his name) but I never gave him a chance 'cause he was tall like Tommy and on the football team too and since then there's been this thing I don't like about guys who play football and it's crazy I know but we do that sometimes we cut ourselves off because we are that afraid of being hurt.

Approximately 40% of black women report coercive contact of a sexual nature by age eighteen.
Africana voices against violence, tufts university, statistics, 2002

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