Tuesday, January 24, 2012

You woman

When there are some things you just know because
the heavens told you

You woman when you bathe in the rivers alone
smile at the stars

When you go to bed and howl at the moon
You miss your lover but won't sacrifice
your dignity for his hand

You woman 'cause girls don't come quite grown as you

Get up off your knees
Dance with the sun

Spit shine your uterus
Set it on your mantle

The way your face transforms when the skies light up
The birds sing your rites of passage song
You laugh like woman
Daisies on birthdays to roses on fresh graves
You smell like woman

There aint nothin' mama can do for you no more but
Inscribe her wisdom in your bosom
Send you to the fields to conquer your fears

You woman now

1 comment:

  1. I just want to say thank you for sharing this. I first heard it when I lived in LA a number of years ago and it's helped me through many situations. Blessings.
