Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Facebook conversation

My post: salon massacre in orange county. praying. we never know whats going on inside of someone elses head. 8 ppl killed.

James Tribue
I just think they're lacking faith!! Only the strong survive!!

Jaha Zainabu
perhaps. but sometimes the pressures of life are heavier than one can deal with at a particular time. those pressures build and build until people snap. it is a sad situation.

James Tribue
I believe that's an excuse. Cause I've pressures of life as well, and never thought about killing anyone let alone 8 people. NO EXCUSES FOR IGNORANCE!!! I was told that GOD won't put more on you than you can handle, and I am a witness!!

Elaine Bryant-Burks
Develop coping skills and STOP medicating

Jaha Zainabu
this is true and i am in no way defending or excusing his tragic actions, im only stating that many among us dont have coping skills and dont know how to handle the pressure and we are all living together.

James Tribue
You only hear about that type of drama with a certain ethnic group......ijs

Jaha Zainabu
the dc sniper was black

Jaha Zainabu
i dont believe that this is a black white thing. this is a human problem. even if only "certain ethnic" groups wild out like this, which i dont believe is true, everyone is still affected

Pamela Nash
wow! lol i would be careful.... Jaha, yes it is sad. I feel so bad for all of the families and friends affected by this person's actions. I'm amazed at the stupidity though. If you're angry over custody of your child, how does killing the child's mother and 7 other people help? He gets the "THAT GUY" award for the day. smh

Jaha Zainabu
pamela thats just what is so dangerous. its not thought out. its all emotion. thats why i say it affects us all.

James Tribue
ur correct, I pray for the surviving victims and families of the deceased. However, I refuse to make excuses for a weak minded soul!! Cause I've had my wife MURDERED, and I could've used that as an excuse to go off(execute), kill anyone. But, I know that wouldn't bring her back. That kat was weak minded. That's it, that's all. Much love

Jaha Zainabu
james i got your point and i appreciate the conversation. ummm, just in case it was a mistake, did you just say that you had your wife "MURDERED"? maybe that was a typeo and youd like to correct that so that its not hanging there in black and white.

Pamela Nash
i think he was trying to say that he had to deal with his wife being murdered.
we all know that but yeah, the wording was all messed up. i think he was trying too hard to get his point across and didn't proofread his comment before submitting.

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