Wednesday, February 22, 2012

THE NIKEL chapter 21

"So how's your mom?" Obrey asked Life as they sat at the small table in the diner.

"She's fine. She and my sister are moving in with my brother and his wife. Dad's gonna be in the hospital for a little while longer, but he's doing ok." They followed a waitress to their seat.

"And your niece?"

"Much better. She's home and already runnin' things."

"Kids. How old is she again?"

"Just turned six."

"That is such a precious stage."

He reached across the table to hold her hand. When he told her he missed her she nervously pulled her hand away and picked up the menu. "I thought about you so much it's crazy."

"Yeah, that is crazy." She responded. "Listen, something happened while you were gone. I was in Amad's office checking my messages and he was standing behind me while I was reading the message you sent me."

"And what happened?"

"He asked me how close we were and I told him that we talked at that party I went to with Willow. I told him that we talk from time to time as friends and basically that's it."

"So you lied."

"What are you talking about?"

"Obrey, stop playing dumb. You know what I'm talking about!" The couple next to them turned around because of his sudden outburst. Obrey looked around as the waitress brought their drinks.

"Thank you. Would you please give us a few minutes?" Obrey asked and turned to Life. "Keep your voice down!"

Life slapped the water away and knocked the glasses over onto the floor and got up and walked out of the restaurant. She looked around and went after Life. He stood outside of the door waiting for her. "Look, I'm sorry if I scared you, but I don't apologize for what I said. I know what it's like to pretend to be something for so long that when you're ready to tell yourself the truth, you can't because you've lived a lie for so long you don't really know what the truth is anymore. I know what it's like to be someone you're not because you think that's who everyone expects you to be...beccause you think that's who they like better. Don't live a lie, Obrey. Your greatest power is being who you are. Forget what everybody says is right adn wrong. Be you, baby."

That night Obrey busily worked at her design table while she listened to music and had a cup of tea next to her. She was really tired and began to fall asleep when she heard the doorbell. She picked up the telephone next to her. She heard the doorbell again and realized it wasn't the phone. "Go away." She softly said.

It was Afua at the door. "Hey queen! You in there sis?"

Obrey walked to the door slowly and again in a soft, sleepy voice, "I'm coming. I'm coming." She opened and saw Afua dressed in her African attire. Afua spoke loudly and smiled. She walked straight passed Obrey as Obrey rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Girl, it's 4:30 in the afternoon. What are you doin' sleeping?" Afua looked at the paintings on the walls. Obrey sat down on the couch and turned the television on and flipped through the channels. Afua stood in front of one of the paintings.

"Davis do this?"

Obrey was still flipping through the channels. "Ummmm hummmm."

"That sista aint no joke. This wasn't at the show was it?"

"What's going on, Afua?"

"Queen, we need to talk." Afua turned to Obrey and walked toward her. Obrey looked up at the ceiling. "I aint trying to get all up in your business or nothin' like that, but when I see you going down the wrong path, I just gotta step in and say something."

"What is this about?"

"I think you're kinda weak right now and it's very common. I know something is going on between you and that fellow I saw you with at the the exhibit. He was holding your hand and all in your face. And then I saw him try to kiss you! And you were going to let him! Queen, that was not cool for you to be cheating on your man like that."

"Cheating on my man? All you saw was him try to kiss me. And you know what? I did kiss him?" Obrey thought about that kiss and remembered that Jewel saw her kiss Life. Jewel asked her about it and Obrey said that it was a friendly kiss. Like the way you kiss at church. Obrey knew that Jewel knew better. She also know that if she said anything to Jewel about keeping it a secret it would only make matters worse.

"Well what constitutes cheating these days? I know you aren't saying that you only draw the line at intercourse? What if Amad did that to you?"

"I didn't do anything to Amad."

"Well, what exactly is your relationship with this brotha?"

"I'm trying to respect our friendship, but you're going way overr the line with this."

"What? Why are you getting all bent outta shape about me just trying to talk to you? I'jm just trying to help you stay on the right path. I've known you since you were a little girl. I've noticed a few things over the past few years that I have concerns about. Things that I know your mother would have concerns about."

"Are you serious?"

"I'm very serious."

"What is it? What do you have so many concerns about? Let's get this out of the way so that we can move on." Obrey abruptly turned the television off and turned to Afur who sat across from her. Obrey knew that sooner or later this day would come with Afua.

"Your lifestyle for one. I was really glad when you told me that you and Amad were engaged because it was just bothering me so much seeing the two of you live in sin and be such a bad influence on that baby."

"Well we're getting married now, is there anything else?"

"Since you asked, do you intend to stop working or change your profession when you get married?"

"Of course not. I must be in some pre wedding twilight zone or something. I've spent years getting where I am in my field. Why would I stop just because I'm married?"

"But look at the long hours you both work. Who is going to be home to raise Jewel?"

"You know, I've held my tongue over the past few years also. I have watched you judge everyone from the drug dealer to the pope. You are so hard on everyone. It's difficult for anyone to be around you. Me included. What makes all of your judging so bad is that your own sins somehow escape your judgment. You are so worried about how we're going to raise her? Where is your child queen, huh?"

"Don't! Don't!" Afua warned.

"She's not here because you had an abortion, because the child's father left you." The child's father whom you were not even married to. And what are we doing for employment? What are you doing for employment to pay me back the two grand you borrowed from me eleven months ago? I don't believe you, coming over here with this." Obrey knew that she was pushing it but Afua had it coming. She would keep reminding herself that she had it coming. Besides, it all fell out so fast she could hardly hold it anymore.

Afua cried then stood up, walked over to Obrey and slapped her on the face. "You need to watch your mouth!"

"And you need to stop parading around town with all that love, peace and sage geat on like you're all earthy and righteous and beyond mistakes, Carolyn!"


"I'm really upset and I don't feel well right now and I just want you to please leave me alone."

"Not like this..."

"Just like this. Please go. Please, I'm trying to be respectful to you out of your friendship with my mother, but I refuse to do this with you anymore. Go, Afua!"

Afua turned toward the door and Obrey turned toward the den in the opposite direction.

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