Friday, February 10, 2012

THE NIKEL chapter 14

A few days after the art exhibit Obrey was driving home to meet a client for a fitting. The traffic on the 110 was tight and she didn't want to have her client waiting outside the house so she called Davis. "Hey girl, I'm glad you answered the phone...Yeah, I'm ok. A client of mine and her husband are meeting me at the house for a fitting. I may be a few minutes late. Did you get Jewel already? Ok, thanks. Who? What's he doing there? Yeah let me speak to him. Hey honey, what's up?"

Obrey didn't remember setting a lunch date with Amad and wondered if he made that up. He had accused her a few times in the past week about being distant. He didn't push it because her distance was somewhat of a relief because she wasn't standing over him asking about every move he made and frowning every time he was on the phone with Malik. Still, to Amad, his distance was ok but hers was suspicious.

"I'm really sorry, honey. I just got tied up. I know I should have called. I'll cook dinner for you tonight when my client leaves. Can you stay? Well come over as soon as you're done with recquetball. I owe you baby." She was glad the vibe was good between them for the meomemnt. "I love you too."

Dob and Amad were playing racquetball when he asked, "What's up with your game today?"

"Stuff on my mind." Amad responded.

"Well, that's what the game is supposed to do man, clear your head." Dob said as he continued playing and beating Amad. "Here you go!"

Amad hit the rubber ball hard and it bounced and whizzed past Dob's head. "Take that! Don't worry about what's up with my game. Check yoself." Dob could tell that Amad was only particaly joking. They played the rest of the game hard and in silence except for the grunts that followed each swing.

As they got into Amad's car, Dob was on the phone. "Yeah, it sounds great. Will you repeat the adress please? Ok thank you. You have a good day." Dob ended the call and put his phone in his bag. "You have a pen in here?" He immediately opened the glove compartment without waiting for an answer. As he opened it, a stack of envelopes almost fell out. Amad caught the stack and quickly closed the compartment. Dob stared at his friend wit a strange look.

"I don't have a pen, man!" Amad yelled.

"Hey, what's up with you?"

"Aw man, you know. Like I said, you know, just...stuff on my mind. I'm cool."

There was a moment of silence. "So, how's the Mrs.?" Asked Dob.

"She's alright. Aint got much time for a brotha these days. She's designing Ausette Rochelle's dress for the Image Awards the everybody else's it seems. "

"Whaaaaat?! Tell her I said congratulations! So I guess i don't need to ask if you're ready for the big date."

"Yeah, but I'm not the one you need to ask."

"Obrey getting cold feet?"

"I don't know what she's getting. It's seems like every time we're together her head is some place else. And the wedding is the worst topic of all to bring up. I thought by now she'd be so excited I wouldn't be ale to shut her up about flowers, invitations, food and all that. I know the designs of her next six clients but she hasn't even said what colors she wants to wear."

"So, where are you with it? Are you sure?"

"I love her man. I guess I shouldn't be so hard on her because I haven't been Mr. Prince Charming myself lately."

"What's up with that? Flowers and food aint what's on your mind."

"Not at all."

"Then what?"

"I've been working on a business venture that should make our financial life pretty comfortable. I haven't really been as emotionally there for her as she's used to, but I just need her to be patient. Everything I do, I'm doing for her and Jewel. I'm tring to show her that I love her by puttin' myself in a position where she can be comforatable."

"This 'business venture,' is is something you're keeping a secret from her?"

Amad tried to brush him off. "Umm, not really secret. Just, you know, we're...I'm working stuff out and the details don't concern her right now."

"Are you listening to yourself right now? You've only said a few sentences to me and I can tell something shady is going on. You think she can't pick up on that too? Let me ask you, does this have anything to do with Malik?"

"I mean, we're working on a little something. Why you all in my shit, man? You worse than Obrey right now."

"I aint tryin' to get in yo shit. I'm just a friend on the outside looking in and I could tell when I saw you at the gallery something was up. You know, everytime I have ever seen Malik he has that look. That shady look, like the one you have right now."

"Man you trippin', what shady look?"

"That look that has always let me know that something is just not right with thata brotha. I can feel it and I'm sure Obrey can feel it too. Look man, that's your woman. Do you really love her or what?"

"Of course I do. I never felt like this about any other woman. She's good to me and great with Jewel. After Jewel's mom passed, I didn't know what I was going to do. It took some time but I finally got into the rhythm of Jewel and me. I had convinced myself that it would be that way forever. Then I met Obrey. She took one look at Jewel and fell in love. I think she felt sorry for her and related to her because her owm mom had passed."

"You talk a lot about how you appreciate Obrey in Jewel's life, but that doesn't say what she is to you. Would you feel the same about her if Jewel weren't in the picture?"

"What are you saying? That I'm using Obrey because I need someone for Jewel?"

"I'm saying that if you don't communicate with Obrey, and if you are distant with her because of some new business venture you have going on with Malik, then she might feel that way."

Amad dropped Dob off at home and headed for Obrey's. Even though she missed lunch he felt good about the vibe between thenm earlier. Maybe tonight would be one of those long overdue easy going nights. He called to check things out. "Hey you, I'll be there shortly. You finished with your meeting?"

When he arrived, the door was open and he walked in. There was a couple there that was about to get married. She held the dress as they stood in the den and talked.

"Amad, come in and let me introduce you." Amad walked into the room with Obrey. "This is Amad Jenkins. Amad, this is soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hicks."

"Pleased to meet you both." Amad shook their hands. They all talked just a bit longer and then Amad and Obrey walked them out to their car and watched them drive off.

"I didn't expect the meeting to go so late. I'll get started on dinner right now. It won't take long."

"Tell you what, lemme go check on Jewel and I'll come down and make dinner myself for everyone. Davis stayin' in?"

"I don't think so, she said she was meeting Dob later."

"He didn't even say anything about it to me. We were just playing ball together."

"Was he supposed to say something to you? Besides, you know man on a mission Dob. I'm surprised Davis is letting things go so fast. When they were together before all she talked about was tthat he was always too busy for her and didn't pay her any attention."

"I think he was just focused on trying to get the school up and running. Maybe he regrets letting her get away before and doesn't want that to happen again. Anyway, why are we still talking about them as hungry as I am? Tell Jewel I'll be up in a minute. Imma get dinner started first."

"Baby, are you sure? I don't mind." Obrey wondered where the offer was coming from but she had to admit it was a welcome change from all the fighting.

"I got it. But before I do, come here. I wanna tell you something." He took her hand and led her into the den. He sat on the lazyboy and sat her on his lap.

"What are you doing? Who are you?" She sat on his lap and he put his left finger up to his mouth and motioned with his right hand for her to just be still. He got up from the chair and left the room quickly and ran upstairs to check on Jewel in her room. She had finished her homework and had fallen asleep watching The Cosby Show on the TVland channel.

When he came out of Jewel's room, Obrey was standing in the hallway in front of her room and motioned for him to come in. He took her and led her to the front of the dresser in front of the mirror. He took the white cotton scarf off her head and watched her long locks fall below her waist. He stood behind her and untied her shirt at the back, squeezed her breasts and pulled the tie behind her neck loose with his teeth. Obrey started to say something but he turned her around to kiss her before she could. He was not going to let the moment be spoiled with something she might say.

"I was only going to say that I miss you." She said.

He turned her back around gently and put his face next to hers and amdired how well they looked in the mirror. "We're beautiful." She responded with a moan, feeling him get harder behind her thighs. He gripped her waist tighter and pulled her to him. Her eyes went somewhere in the back of her head while she reached inside of her skirt, rubbed her thighs then gently spread her legs with his fists.

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