Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Friday at Clara's


It's 10:11am and I'm at Clara's. I'll insert here that I'm happily at Clara's. As much work as I do with her, her case is a breeze compared to the mental exaustion from some of the cases I've been on since her. As usual, when I'm here, I'm on a twelve hour shift. I've been here since this morning at 7 and am scheduled to get off at 7 tonight.

Clara is still sleeping. Normally I would have tried to wake her up by now but she looks like she is in such a deep sleep I want to let her rest. In fact, the three times I checked on her I stood next to her much longer than usual to make sure she was breathing steadily. Obviously she was. But each time I stood there it was a little weird. She was so still. It's 10:21 now so I'll give her until 11:00 at the latest and then wake her up to at least change her. I'm usually pretty rigid about the clients who are wearing briefs being changed every two hours. Especially if they are lying in the bed a lot. One of the best ways to prevent bed sores is to reposition and keep the skin clean and healthy and of course dry.

I'm going to take this half hour to breathe.


At 10:30 Clara called me. She was given a bath and prepared for the day. She's having breakfast now and is in a good mood. I'm laughing to myself now because I read in the notes from another caregiver where she wrote that she (Clara) was in a good mood and the she wrote "thank you Baby Jesus" next to that.

On another note, tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be working and that's cool. Sunday after work I'm having a party at my mom's house. She's really excited about it and I'm happy she's happy. The party is not just for me. There are many celebrations going on in my family right now. My mom's new retirement, my brother in laws birthday, my sisters graduation (yes, shes's a doctor now), my cousin and her family are here and are having their youngest child formally dedicated to God, with my sister leading the ceremony, and last but not least, my birthday. So needless to say, the house will be filled.

Again, on another note, this entry, clearly will jump about quite a bit so dear reader, please keep up with the telling, I've been thinking a lot about what's next for me. The artistic part of me is a constant in my life. I've been thinking about new levels of it. I'm in the inquiry of how to upgrade what's working and shift from what's not.

C: You wanna add years to your life?

Me: Yes.

C: Watch Oprah today.

That's funny because we are watching the news and a promo for the Oprah show came on. The announcer began by asking "You wanna add years to your life? Today on Oprah Dr. Oz..."

I'm listening.

C: Three dollars and ninety cents a gallon! Just boycott the gas!

Of course if we "boycott the gas" we wouldn't be able to get to her home. I'm sure she didn't figure that. I'm laughing again to myself because I can see her saying "Well just walk to my house." As you can see I cracks myself up.

I'm listening to God. I'm praying. Following the path for me. I'm trusting. I am knowing that all of my steps are protected.


This has been an amazingly peaceful day. Easy. Easy is good.


C: Has there been any news about Nancy Regan?

Me: No, nothing.

C: And there's no news about Chelsea Clinton?

Me: No.

C: Well what about Zsa Zsa? Did she get her legs cut off?

Me: I don't know.

C: Well I'll tell you. When they don't want the world to know something then they just pay the press a bunch of money. Lots and lots of money.
And I'm concerned about my car collecting dust down there. I'll have to write another letter to the company. Except I don't like to write anymore. I used to write all the time. I would send cards and letters at Christmas. And I didn't just sign it, "Love, Clara." No, I wrote a note. I hate it when I get those cards that just have two words. It's like they're just brushing you off.

And now they're trying to get the college tuition reduced for Mexicans. That's not right. Here we are helping a country like Lybia and Mexico right next door to us is going to hell and now they're over here sending our country to hell. They're illegal. That means a crime you know. So that means they're criminals. When Canadians come over here they have their own money. Yes, they know what to do.
So do you have any property in the line of that fire.

Me: No, I dont.

There is a big fire along the Cajon Pass and the 15 freeway is closed for the day. The news said that over 800 acres have burned so far.

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